Fascination Circa Samsung Quick Share

Fascination Circa Samsung Quick Share

Blog Article

Adesso il telefono del destinatario del file riceverà una domanda Attraverso poterlo consentire oppure rifiutare. Deve seguire In ricevere il file

Para receber arquivos de outros aparelhos próximos, a tela do seu aparelho deve estar ativada e as configurações Quem pode compartilhar com você risposta negativa Quick Share devem ser definidas como Apenas contatos ou Qualquer pessoa próxima.

Depending on the manufacturer and model, there may be restrictions on some or all of the functions of this feature.

Ciononostante, esiste ancora un'altra opzione Affascinante, le quali ci consente proveniente da inviare video e immagini a dispositivi intorno a altri produttori, in che modo Smart TV oppure altri.

Let the recipient scan the QR code or send them the link. They will be directed to the Samsung Cloud website to download the file.

Or share files using a QR code Even if the nearby devices aren't from Samsung, you can still share files through a QR code. Just tap the QR code icon and ask your friends to scan the code that shows up on your device.3

Ali so za prejemanje datotek prek funkcije Quick Share predpisane kakršne koli zahteve ali nastavitve?

4 Seleziona il dispositivo insieme cui desideri spartire e seleziona il file le quali desideri inviare. 5 Il dispositivo destinatario riceverà una notifica. Autorizza il dispositivo a ricevere il file. 6 Una Piega completato il trasporto, potrai distendere l’allegato per visualizzare il file.

We’re actively working on improving our functionality and experience, and welcome any feedback you might have. Please enter them here.

Ανάλογα με τον κατασκευαστή και το μοντέλο, ενδέχεται να υπάρχουν περιορισμοί σε ορισμένες ή σε όλες τις λειτουργίες αυτής της υπηρεσίας.

Deljenje prek funkcije Private Share ni podprto med Galaxy napravami, prav tako pa ottieni maggiori informazioni je hkrati mogoče prenesti največ 20 datotek oz. je njihova velikost lahko največ 200 MB.

Share files through Private sharing Use Private sharing to ensure that the shared files are shown only on the recipient’s device and accessible only within the expiration date. First, make sure to turn on Private sharing option before you choose the device or contact to share with.4

It is also worth noting that files uploaded to Samsung Cloud are automatically deleted after a certain period, improving security and user convenience.

File dikirim ke penerima Penerima akan mendapatkan pop-up yang meminta untuk menerima file yang dibagikan. Dengan mengetuk "Terima" pada pop-up akan memulai proses transfer file.

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